Trump Calls for ABC News Punishment Following Debate Moderation

 September 12, 2024

Former President Donald Trump has suggested that ABC News should face consequences for what he perceives as hostile moderation during a recent debate.

As reported by The Hill, Trump criticized the network's performance and proposed punitive measures. This incident has reignited discussions about press freedom and the relationship between political figures and media outlets.

During his Fox News appearance, Trump expressed his dissatisfaction with ABC's debate moderation, stating:

ABC took a big hit last night. I mean, to be honest, they're a news organization. They have to be licensed to do it. They ought to take away their license for the way they did that.

Trump's suggestion about revoking ABC's license, however, appears to be based on a misunderstanding of broadcast regulations. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) does not license major broadcast networks such as ABC, although it does license some local stations.

Trump's Ongoing Criticism of Mainstream Media

This latest incident is part of a larger pattern of Trump's confrontational relationship with mainstream media outlets. The former president has consistently labeled the press as the "enemy of the people" and "fake news," particularly when coverage is unfavorable to him.

Trump's rhetoric has raised concerns among media watchdogs, who warn that such attacks could potentially incite violence against journalists.

Trump's criticism of ABC extends beyond the recent debate. He characterized the event as "three on one," suggesting that he felt outnumbered by the moderators. Additionally, Trump has not accepted a challenge from Kamala Harris for a second debate, further indicating his dissatisfaction with the format or moderation.

The former president's hostility towards media organizations is not limited to ABC. Last year, Trump threatened Comcast Corp., the parent company of NBC News and MSNBC, with investigations if he were to be re-elected as president. He cited what he termed as "Country Threatening Treason" as the basis for his threat.

Broader Implications for Press Freedom

Trump's suggestion of punitive action against ABC News has reignited debates about press freedom and the role of media in a democratic society.

While criticism of media coverage is not uncommon in politics, calls for regulatory action against news organizations based on perceived bias are generally seen as a threat to the principles of a free press.

Media experts argue that a diverse and independent press is crucial for maintaining an informed citizenry and holding those in power accountable. They warn that attempts to intimidate or punish news organizations for their coverage could have a chilling effect on journalism and ultimately harm democratic discourse.

The incident also highlights the ongoing tension between political figures and the media, particularly in an era of heightened polarization. As politicians increasingly use social media and friendly outlets to communicate directly with their supporters, traditional media's role as intermediaries and fact-checkers has come under scrutiny.


Trump's latest comments about ABC News serve as a reminder of the complex and often contentious relationship between political leaders and the press. As the country moves towards another election cycle, the balance between holding media accountable and respecting press freedom is likely to remain a crucial topic of discussion.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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