Tulsi Gabbard Details Confronting Kamala Harris During 2019 Debate

 September 10, 2024

Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has shed light on her approach to challenging Vice President Kamala Harris during a 2019 Democratic primary debate.

In an interview with Fox News, Gabbard explained how she exposed Harris's record as a prosecutor, a move that garnered significant attention during the presidential race.

Gabbard, who recently assisted former President Donald Trump in debate preparation, criticized the media and other candidates for not scrutinizing Harris's prosecutorial background. She emphasized the importance of holding political figures accountable for their past actions and stated positions. Gabbard stated:

She was treated with kid gloves by the mainstream propaganda media. She was treated with kid gloves, even by every other candidate that was on that debate stage. No one questioned her, challenged her, or called her out for the record as prosecutor that she claimed to be proud of.

Gabbard's Critique Of Harris's Prosecutorial Record

During her appearance on "Jesse Watters Primetime," Gabbard elaborated on her motivation for confronting Harris in the 2019 debate. She pointed out that while Harris frequently touted her experience as a prosecutor, no one had questioned the specifics of her record or how it might translate to the presidency.

Gabbard highlighted the discrepancy between Harris's actions as California's attorney general and her public statements. She particularly focused on Harris's handling of marijuana-related cases, noting that Harris had jailed numerous individuals for marijuana offenses while later admitting to using the drug herself.

The former congresswoman stressed the importance of exposing what she viewed as hypocrisy in Harris's record. Gabbard's comments during the 2019 debate about Harris putting over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations while later laughing about her own marijuana use became a defining moment of the primary season.

Trump's Upcoming Debate And Harris's Record

Gabbard drew parallels between her 2019 debate performance and the upcoming debate between former President Trump and Vice President Harris. She suggested that Trump has a similar opportunity to challenge Harris on her record and statements.

The former congresswoman emphasized the importance of highlighting the discrepancies between Harris's current statements and her actions while in office. Gabbard pointed out that Harris has been part of the current administration for nearly four years, providing a substantial record to examine.

Gabbard, who has been involved in Trump's debate preparation, stressed the seriousness with which the former president's team is approaching the upcoming event. She indicated that Trump is well-versed in Harris's record and prepared to challenge her on various issues.

Gabbard's Role In Trump's Debate Preparation

Reports have emerged that Gabbard has been recruited by Trump's team to assist in preparing the former president for the ABC News debate scheduled for September 12, 2024. Her involvement includes participating in practice sessions at Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence.

Gabbard's experience in debating Harris during the Democratic primaries is seen as valuable in helping Trump prepare for his face-off with the Vice President. Her insights into Harris's debate style and potential vulnerabilities could prove crucial for Trump's strategy.

Despite her criticism of Harris, Gabbard cautioned against underestimating the Vice President in the upcoming debate. She emphasized the need for thorough preparation and a deep understanding of Harris's record to effectively challenge her on stage.


Tulsi Gabbard's revelations about her 2019 debate strategy against Kamala Harris offer insights into political debate tactics and the importance of scrutinizing candidates' records. Her involvement in Trump's debate preparation highlights the significance of the upcoming face-off between the former president and the current vice president. As the debate approaches, Gabbard's experiences and strategies may play a crucial role in shaping the narrative and potentially influencing voter perceptions.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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