Biden-Harris Reportedly ‘Trump-Proofing’ the DOJ

 August 28, 2024

Donald Trump may be getting a sense of déjà vu.

Remember when Barack Obama loaded up appointments before Trump took office? Well, Biden and Harris are reportedly doing the same thing just in case Trump wins the election.

Talking Points…
- Trump-proofing the DOJ
- The response
- Analysis

Trump-Proofing the DOJ

If you recall, Trump was livid the first time he was in office because of how many government employees were in place who could not be fired. They had all been appointed by the Obama administration, but these were Democrat operatives protecting Obama’s legacy, not working for the Trump administration.

It would appear that Biden and Harris are doing the same thing this time: loading up the Department of Justice with Schedule A employees who are not generally replaced with a new administration. At the heart of this move is stacking up immigration judges in the DOJ who are loyal to the Democrat agenda.

Biden and Harris have also hired a slew of environmental lawyers via Schedule A to help enforce environmental laws such as the Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and the Safe Drinking Water Act.

The Response

The move by the administration was exposed when the Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT) provided the documentation to the Daily Caller. It showed how many appointments were being made not on merit but on agenda. And if Trump wins, for the most part, these employees are all protected via Schedule A. PPT director Michael Chamberlain stated:

“The Biden-Harris administration and its allies have already signaled their intent to hamstring their successor and prevent a future president from reversing their agenda.

“Exploiting non-competitive hiring authorities to fill career civil service positions could be just another component of this scheme. It’s no wonder that the public’s trust in its government has all but disappeared.”

The biggest concern here is what Biden is doing to the immigration courts, which are currently backlogged with about three million cases under Biden and Harris. The judges Biden is appointing will decide who can and cannot stay in the country, and we all know how a Biden judge will operate on this front. To that exact point, the PPT stated:

“The administration is also using Schedule A to install immigration judges — again, outside of the normal merit-based system — who will rule on cases of those in a position to benefit from the administration’s immigration policies.”

The PPT also commented on the slew of environmental attorneys being hired, adding:

“The ENRD is a vital office in advancing the Biden-Harris administration’s energy and climate policies, and the placement of Biden-Harris loyalists is a means to defend those policies even if a future Trump (or other) administration seeks to change them.”


Trump could find himself at war with his own Department of Justice, in a similar situation that he found himself in after Obama left office. Trump was livid at how protected these staffers were and that he did not have the authority to fire them after taking office. Until the Obama administration, this had never been a politicized office, but that is clearly no longer the case, and Biden has taken it to a whole new level. This is just a warning to those who think Trump can come in and fix all these issues on day one… Biden and Harris are making sure he has as many roadblocks as possible facing him.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.
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