Pelosi Admits Biden Campaign Was Not on the Path to Victory

 August 9, 2024

During this election, Democrats have rewritten the rules for our elections.

Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) just confirmed what we all thought… and it should raise a level of panic in everyone in this country if we truly want to protect our constitutional republic.

Talking Points...
- Biden crashes in polls
- Dems replace him
- Analysis

Biden Crashes in Presidential Polling

Throughout our country's history, we have had close to two dozen elections that would be considered landslide victories by one side or the other. In these elections, it was apparent relatively early that the opposing party would get crushed, but the elected candidates still faced off in the general election. This dates back to 1804, when Thomas Jefferson won 92% of the vote and continued on in modern times.

In recent history, the 1972 election saw Richard Nixon win 96.7% of the electoral votes. The 1980 election resulted in Ronald Reagan embarrassing Jimmy Carter by winning 90.9% of the vote and doing the same thing in 1984 to Walter Mondale, winning a stunning 97.6% of the vote. In 1988, George H. W. Bush beat Michael Dukakis, winning 79.2% of the vote. Not once did the opposing party pull their candidate because of bad polling.

In the 2024 election, less than two weeks before the convention but after Biden had secured the nomination, Biden was losing every battleground state to Trump, as well as being behind in the national vote. The Blue Wall was gone, and without that, the Dems had no path to victory, so they made the unprecedented move of removing Biden from the ticket and placing their own candidate, Kamala Harris, at the top of the ticket just weeks before the DNC, where the nomination would be certified.

Dems Replacing Biden on the Ballot

Biden being replaced on the ballot should have been called out by the media, but the media was complicit in this. Virtually every mainstream media outlet was calling for Biden to step down AFTER the American people voted for Joe Biden in the primary election. This was followed by calls from high-profile Democrats for Biden to step down for the good of the country, but it was really because they knew he could not win and they knew his mental acuity was in question.

Most of us believe that Pelosi was in the mix of Democrats who approached Biden on this, more than likely threatening Biden with the 25th Amendment, which would have removed him from office altogether. So, Biden caved, withdrew from the election, and endorsed Harris. In exchange, he would be permitted to stay in office and finish out his term. This is all speculation because Democrats will never admit it, but I can quite confidently say this is more or less how all this went down.

In several recent interviews, Pelosi more or less admitted that because Biden was losing, he was replaced, going against everything this country stands for. For instance, Pelosi stated:

"Now I was really asking for a better campaign. We did not have a campaign that was on the path to victory. Members knew that in their districts."

Pelosi also took a shot at Biden's campaign, stating:

"I've never been that impressed with his political operation.

"They won the White House. Bravo. But my concern was: this ain't happening, and we have to make a decision for this to happen. The president has to make the decision for that to happen. People were calling. I never called one person."

The last part of that statement, I can say without doubt, is an absolute lie. Things do not happen at this party without Pelosi's blessing, so you had better believe she was on the call to have Biden drop out. Above all else, Pelosi craves power, and she will do everything she can to keep the White House out of the hands of Donald J. Trump.


Pelosi went on to say that she and Biden have not spoken since he dropped out, so you know there are sore feelings for Biden because he and Pelosi have been very close for years. In times like this, our natural reaction is to pull loyal soldiers closer and distance ourselves from those who have crossed us, and Biden is clearly distancing himself from Pelosi.

What is truly sad here, however, is that most Americans do not realize the magnitude of the wheels Pelosi put in motion. Our election system is now forever changed. It is now acceptable to forego the vote of the American people and remove a candidate before the convention simply because the party does not believe he or she can win. This goes against everything our country stands for and surely violates our Constitution, yet we are hearing no pushback from the Republican Party or the media. We are turning into something other than a constitutional republic, and I fear where another Democrat term in office would lead us.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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