Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Dumped Dead Bear Cub in Central Park After Posing for Photo

 August 5, 2024

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. faces criticism for his previously undisclosed actions involving a dead bear cub.

In a shocking revelation, it was found that Kennedy posed with a deceased bear cub and later discarded it in Central Park, the  New York Post reported.

In 2014, a photograph captured Kennedy with the bear cub, showing him grimacing as if the lifeless animal were biting his hand. The New Yorker recently released this graphic image, stirring widespread reactions and criticisms.

Kennedy encountered the bear cub in upstate New York after a car struck it. After the incident, Kennedy staged the bear’s death as though a cyclist had hit it in Central Park.

The Controversial Photo and Kennedy's Confession

This uncovered story began to unfold nearly a decade ago but remained a mystery until Kennedy’s recent admissions. During an interview with celebrity Roseanne Barr, Kennedy unexpectedly confessed to his actions, revealing the origin of the bear cub. He initially planned to utilize the bear cub for its meat and skin but abandoned this idea due to an impending meeting.

Kennedy, during his explanation for his bizarre actions, alluded to a past health issue, humorously blaming it on a “brain worm.” Such peculiar statements have added layers to the developing controversy surrounding his presidential campaign.

Initially, when a local woman discovered the bear cub in Central Park, the context behind the animal's appearance and death was unknown. Kennedy's recent recounting of the events now clarifies this long-standing mystery.

Public Reaction and Campaign Impact

The photo and Kennedy’s actions have caused quite a stir on social media, with many expressing dismay and disbelief. These reactions range from shock to disgust, questioning the motives and mental state of the presidential hopeful. His campaign deemed the absence of charges over the event as "Absolutely bonkers."

The narrative took an interesting turn when Kennedy's campaign, which had previously sold teddy bear merchandise, faced irony and backlash due to his recent revelations.

Despite the unsettling image and story, Kennedy has not faced any penalties or charges related to the improper disposal of the bear cub’s body. The lack of legal repercussions has further fueled public and media scrutiny.

Kennedy had foreseen the negative impact this revelation could have, predicting unfavorable media coverage as the story began circulating more widely.

Indeed, the media and public response have been less than favorable, impacting his polling numbers, which show him trailing significantly behind other major presidential candidates.

Kennedy's past actions reveal a complex narrative that intertwines odd personal judgment with his public and political life. Additionally, the details of this incident provide a deeper, albeit troubling, look into the presidential candidate’s personal decisions and crisis management.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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