Michelle Obama Teams Up With Celebs in Voter Registration Drive, Endorses Kamala Harris

 July 29, 2024

As reported by the Daily Mail, Michelle Obama has released a new video to boost voter registration with the help of high-profile celebrities.

The campaign aims to increase voter turnout through the nonpartisan initiative "When We All Vote," featuring stars like Steph Curry, Kerry Washington, and others.

In the newly unveiled video, several celebrities receive calls from Michelle Obama, prompting them to share their voting plans. Each, including Golden State Warriors' Steph Curry and award-winning actress Kerry Washington, confirms their intent to vote with enthusiasm. The message encourages American voters to prepare and register to vote, leveraging the star power of these admired figures.

Star-Studded Support for Voting Initiative

Michelle Obama initiated the "When We All Vote" campaign in 2018, seeking to bridge the gap in electoral participation. Famous personalities like Megan Rapinoe, Shonda Rhimes, and Chris Paul also make appearances, advocating for voter readiness and registration.

In response to Michelle Obama's question about voting in the video, women's soccer star Megan Rapinoe replied, "Yeah." Esteemed writer Shonda Rhimes echoed the sentiment, saying, "Of course I am!"

The involvement of celebrities such as Filipino-American beauty influencer Bretman Rock and country singer Reyna Roberts highlights the initiative’s reach across diverse communities, emphasizing the universal importance of voter registration.

Coordination with Political Endorsements

Shortly before the release of this campaign, both Michelle and her husband, former President Barack Obama, publicly supported Kamala Harris' candidacy for President. The endorsement from the Obamas followed Joe Biden’s announcement on July 21 that he would not seek re-election.

The carefully timed videos serve dual purposes—enhancing voter awareness and propelling Kamala Harris closer to a potential presidential nomination, which the Democratic Party is expected to finalize by August 7.

The former First Lady Michelle Obama also voiced her support for Harris in a different video, declaring Harris as a "happy warrior" needed by the country. Barack Obama’s endorsement was no less earnest, as he stated:

We called to say, Michelle and I couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office.

In response, Kamala Harris expressed deep gratitude for the Obamas' support and friendship over the years, underscoring the personal and professional bonds that tie them.

Confrontation with Opposition

While the endorsement and voter campaign have been well-received by many, former President Donald Trump's campaign has voiced strong criticism. A notable statement from Trump's campaign labeled Harris as "a Marxist fraud who cannot beat President Trump."

Nevertheless, the combined efforts of voter encouragement and political endorsements are aimed at stirring significant political engagement and turning the tides in the upcoming election.

To conclude, the star-studded video from Michelle Obama and her subsequent endorsement of Kamala Harris marks a strategic moment in the political landscape. Utilizing celebrity influence for voter mobilization while simultaneously backing a strong candidate for the presidency, Michelle Obama continues to shape civic and political engagement in America with her proactive initiatives. Echoing her call in the video, she urges everyone, "Now, it's your turn to answer the call... by getting registered and ready to vote with When We All Vote today."

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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