Trump Unfazed by Assassination Attempt at Rally

 July 15, 2024

The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, has not shaken him, according to former White House physician and current Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson.

As Fox Business reported, Jackson detailed Trump's reaction, stating that the former president was "not fazed at all" by the weekend incident.

Jackson, who spent time with Trump after the incident, shared details about the former president's reaction during an interview with Maria Bartiromo on FOX Business. He emphasized that despite the chaos, Trump remained his usual self. Trump was rushed offstage during the rally on July 13, 2024, when a gunman opened fire, resulting in one death and several injuries, including a graze wound to Trump’s ear.

"The staff is a little shaken up, I think, but he was not fazed at all by this. He was his same usual self, and he's been in a great mood. He's been joking around. He's very fired up and energetic," Jackson said. Jackson also praised Trump’s leadership during the crisis, noting how Trump's composed demeanor served as an example for his staff.

Trump's Response Shows Leadership

Jackson highlighted the importance of Trump's reaction, especially for his staff who were visibly shaken by the events. He commended Trump for his resilience and positive attitude in the aftermath of the assassination attempt.

"I was proud to see that. It's a good example [of] when you have other people that work for you that are a little shaken up. It's a leadership move, and I'm proud to see the way he's stepped up," Jackson added.

Jackson, who previously served as White House physician during both the Obama and Trump administrations, has a close relationship with the former president and was able to personally assess his condition.

Details of the Incident and Injuries

The rally turned tragic when 20-year-old suspect Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire from a nearby rooftop. The shooting resulted in the death of one rallygoer and injuries to others, including a graze wound to Trump’s ear.

Jackson's nephew, who was present at the rally, was also injured when a bullet grazed his neck. Jackson reported that his nephew is recovering well but was deeply affected by witnessing the death of another attendee.

"To be honest with you, I think the most traumatic thing for him was not the superficial, minor injury that he sustained, but the fact that he was in the medical tent with the gentleman who passed away," Jackson said. "They were in the medical tent together. I think that shook him up a little bit," he added.

Trump’s Injury and Recovery

Jackson provided more details about Trump’s injury, explaining that the former president turned his head at just the right moment, which likely saved his life. The bullet grazed the top part of Trump’s ear, causing significant bleeding.

Jackson explained:

It did hit his ear, obviously you saw the blood, but he turned his head just at the exact right time, and it just took off a little bit of the top of part of his ear. The ear, of course, is very vascular, so it bleeds like crazy. It's bandaged up and everything because it's prone to bleed again, and it has been a little bit.


The assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, has highlighted his resilience and leadership. Despite the chaos and his own injury, Trump remained unfazed and continued to lead with determination. Ronny Jackson, the former White House physician, praised Trump's reaction and provided details about the incident and the injuries sustained. He also shared his nephew's experience and the impact it had on him.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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