Biden Aides Debate Urging Him to Exit Presidential Race

 July 12, 2024

President Joe Biden’s close aides are facing a difficult decision on how to tell him that he should drop out of the presidential race.

According to Daily Mail, the aides are concerned that Biden cannot defeat Donald Trump in the upcoming election and are exploring other potential candidates, including Vice President Kamala Harris. Despite growing calls for his exit, some aides remain steadfast in their support for Biden.

A debate among Biden's aides has emerged regarding the best way to communicate their concerns to him. They fear that Biden’s continued candidacy might harm other Democratic candidates in the race. An official from Biden’s campaign has gone so far as to state that Biden needs to drop out, believing he will not recover from his current position. The White House has firmly denied these claims, insisting they are completely untrue.

Internal Discussions About Biden's Candidacy

Some aides plan to convince Biden directly that he cannot win against Trump. They believe that another candidate, like Kamala Harris, could have a better chance. Their strategy includes ensuring Biden that the transition to another candidate will be smooth and orderly.

However, the White House has labeled these claims as unequivocally untrue. Despite this, Biden has faced increasing calls to step down, including from at least eleven Democratic lawmakers. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries has acknowledged that there have been ongoing candid conversations about Biden’s candidacy.

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer are reportedly considering other options. Pelosi has even suggested that Biden reconsider his stance on running. In the meantime, the Biden campaign is polling to see how Kamala Harris would fare against Trump in the election.

Growing Pressure From Various Corners

Donald Trump is poised to accept the Republican nomination next week, adding pressure to the Democratic camp. High-profile figures like George Clooney have also called for Biden to step down. Clooney’s public statement was known to former President Barack Obama, who did not oppose the op-ed.

Biden’s campaign has been trying to combat opposition following a poor debate performance against Trump. Although Biden has made appearances in the media and led the NATO summit, doubts about his age and health persist. Some Democratic strategists and allies have hinted at the need for Biden to step down for the sake of the party.

A recent memo from Biden’s campaign chair and campaign manager outlined a path to victory by winning key states. Despite this plan, both internal and public polling shows mixed support for Biden’s continuation in the race. A recent poll indicated that 56% of Democrats believe Biden should end his campaign.

Polling Data and Strategic Adjustments

The Cook Political Report has shifted six states toward Trump in the Electoral College ratings. This shift reflects concerns about Biden’s declining poll numbers, especially after the debate. The Biden campaign is now quietly testing Kamala Harris in a head-to-head matchup against Trump.

This testing is part of a broader effort to gauge potential alternatives to Biden. Meanwhile, eleven Democratic lawmakers have publicly called for Biden to exit the race. High-profile Democratic figures are also discussing other potential candidates to lead the party.

In a statement, Pelosi emphasized the importance of time in making a decision. "It's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. We're all encouraging him to make that decision. Because time is running short."

Conclusion and Future Implications

As Biden’s aides consider asking him to step down, the Democratic Party faces significant challenges and mounting pressure from various figures. The testing of Kamala Harris as a potential alternative shows the party’s search for a viable candidate to oppose Donald Trump. Biden's decision, influenced by both internal and external pressures, will be crucial in shaping the party’s strategy for the upcoming election. The outcome of these discussions will determine the future direction of the Democratic campaign.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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