Doctors Cite Cold Meds for Biden's Debate Struggles

 July 4, 2024

President Biden's debate performance has come under scrutiny, with speculations linking it to drug use.

According to Newsweek, medical professionals suggest that Biden's poor debate performance could be due to the side effects of cold medications.

Republican strategists and commentators had speculated that President Biden might use drugs like stimulants to enhance his debate performance against Trump.

Contrary to their expectations, his performance was lackluster, and medical experts are attributing his symptoms to the side effects of over-the-counter cold medications. Biden, who had a cold during the debate, exhibited symptoms consistent with temporary cognitive impairment often caused by such medications.

Experts Discuss Side Effects of Cold Medications

Cold medications like DayQuil, Tylenol, and Advil can have side effects such as reduced alertness, diminished attention, poor memory, and reduced reaction time. These effects, while temporary, can appear significant, particularly in older adults. Two doctors who analyzed Biden's performance suggested that these side effects could explain his apparent cognitive issues during the debate.

Yale professor of psychiatry Marshal Mandelkern, MD, PhD, stated:

As a clinician, when someone presents with 'altered mental status' I would always think of the possibility of drug ingestion as a cause. This is not only common, it is usually the most benign explanation for a change in mental state.

Speculations and Amateur Diagnoses Emerge

Following the debate, pundits made amateur diagnoses of Biden's mental capacity based on his performance. There have been calls for Biden to step down, though these may be premature if his performance was due to an adverse drug effect. It has been suggested that Biden avoid these drugs in the future and use the experience as a teachable moment for seniors who might face similar issues.

Combining cold medications with other drugs can increase risks, a factor experienced clinicians have frequently observed. Biden's symptoms align with those of drug-induced cognitive impairment, reinforcing the argument that over-the-counter medications could have played a role.

Biden's Post-Debate Improvement Noted

After the debate, Biden's condition seemed to improve, noted during a stop at a Waffle House. This improvement could be attributed to the cold medications wearing off. Interestingly, this scenario might mean that former President Trump was inadvertently correct about drugs playing a role in Biden's debate performance.

Despite the speculation and amateur diagnoses, the primary takeaway from medical professionals is that the side effects of common cold medications could easily explain the temporary cognitive impairment observed in Biden. This situation highlights the potential impact of over-the-counter drugs on older adults and the importance of understanding their side effects.

Medical Community Offers Insights and Cautions

Medical professionals emphasize that while the side effects of over-the-counter cold medications are typically temporary, they can significantly impact cognitive functions, especially in older individuals. The incident with President Biden serves as a reminder of the importance of considering these effects and making informed choices about medication use.

Doctors suggest that public figures, especially those in high-stakes situations like presidential debates, should be cautious about medication use and aware of potential side effects. This awareness can prevent misinterpretations of cognitive performance and ensure that medical explanations are considered before jumping to conclusions.

In conclusion, President Biden's poor debate performance has been attributed by medical professionals to the side effects of over-the-counter cold medications. Republican operatives' speculations about drug use, while sensational, overlook the common and benign causes identified by experts. This episode serves as a teachable moment about the impact of medication on cognitive functions, particularly for older adults.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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