Biden Links Debate Struggles To Exhaustive Travels: 'Almost Fell Asleep Onstage'

 July 3, 2024

President Biden recently attributed his lackluster debate performance to fatigue from his extensive international travel schedule.

According to Fox News, Biden cited his busy travel itinerary for his poor showing at the recent debate against former President Trump in Atlanta.

During a Virginia campaign fundraiser, President Biden admitted that his decision to embark on several international trips just before the debate was unwise.

He acknowledged that he "wasn't very smart" for traveling extensively before the critical event and despite his apologies, emphasized the significance of the upcoming election.

Biden's Strain from Exhausting Schedule

Biden's demanding travel schedule included attending D-Day commemorations in France on June 6, 2024, and the G-7 Summit in Italy in mid-June 2024.

He explained that these commitments and rigorous debate preparations led to his subpar performance. The preparation at Camp David involved 16 current and former aides, including prominent figures such as former White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.

His preparation team conducted mock debates with Bob Bauer, who played Trump's role. Despite these efforts, Biden felt the strain of his extensive travel, which culminated in him almost falling asleep on stage during the debate. His family later criticized his staff for the perceived overworking and insufficient preparation.

Fundraiser Admission and Apology

At the Virginia fundraiser, Biden expressed regret over his travel decisions. He said, "I decided to travel around the world a couple of times… shortly before the debate…I didn’t listen to my staff… and then I almost fell asleep on stage." This candid admission highlighted his awareness of the impact his travel had on his debate performance.

He further added, "It’s not an excuse but an explanation," stressing that while the travel schedule contributed to his fatigue, it was not a justification for his lackluster debate. Despite this, the Democratic National Committee has raised significant funds since the debate, indicating continued support for Biden's campaign.

Campaign and Family Reactions

Biden's family was reportedly upset with his staff for the demanding schedule leading up to the debate. They felt that the rigorous travel and preparation regimen contributed to his poor performance. However, Biden himself took responsibility, acknowledging that he should have prioritized rest and focused more on preparing for the debate.

The debate performance has not significantly dented his campaign's fundraising efforts. The Democratic National Committee has reported millions in contributions since the debate, showcasing the resilience of his support base.


In the wake of his debate performance, President Biden has openly reflected on the challenges posed by his demanding travel schedule. He acknowledged his mistake and the need for better preparation, while his family criticized the staff for overworking him. Despite this setback, the Democratic National Committee continues to see strong fundraising, indicating robust support for Biden as the election approaches.

President Biden's recent international travels and the subsequent impact on his debate performance have sparked introspection and adjustments within his campaign strategy. His candid admission and the continued financial support reflect a resilient campaign gearing up for the election battle ahead.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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