Joe Biden's Golf Performance Sparks Humor and Skepticism

 July 1, 2024

A story depicting President Joe Biden struggling during a golf game has sparked widespread discussion, raising questions about his age and overall capabilities.

According to OutKick, this narrative, which quickly spread online, portrays Biden as an inept golfer, struggling through what was described as a six-hour game.

Originating from a social media user known as "Reddit Cart Boy," the account details Biden making multiple errors, beginning with a poorly hit ball off the tee, which he allegedly brushed off as a practice swing.

The Viral Spread of a Presidential Golf Story

This portrayal included further mishaps like a snap-hooked drive into a parking lot and a commendable chip on the 12th hole that still conceded a challenging putt.

The comedic focus on his age and the physical comedy of him purportedly tossing a club a mere eight yards has added to the story's viral nature.

Zach Dean of OutKick stated:

I know the Joe Biden/golf stuff is a bit played out at this point, but you HAVE to hear this tale from a young lad just outside of Washington DC. Now, I don't know if this story from our Reddit Cart Boy is real. Could be. Could also be a sham. Frankly, it doesn't sound like one to me, but that's only because I refuse to believe Joe Biden is still (was he ever?) a good golfer.

Critics and followers of Biden have found themselves polarized by this account. Some see it as a harmless, if embarrassing, portrayal of an aging politician failing at a leisure activity. Others question the taste and fairness of using physical ability as a proxy for competence, particularly given Biden's public responsibilities.

While the authenticity of these claims remains under scrutiny, the detailed account has been fueled by the uncertainty surrounding the storyteller's credibility. The story remains anecdotal at best without solid confirmation or a reliable eyewitness.

A Reflection on Media Consumption and Credibility

Social media reactions have been a mixture of humor and concern. The humor largely stems from the outlandish nature of the purported events, especially the claim about a club toss that seemed physically improbable.

As the story gained traction on platforms like Twitter, commentators were quick to craft jokes, though many also expressed skepticism about the account's accuracy. Some supporters of Biden have dismissed the story outright, defending his capability and vigor despite his advanced age and the demands of his office.

Others, however, find the representation plausible given their perceptions of his physical and mental stamina. This divergence highlights the broader political division regarding Biden's fitness for office, a topic that has been at the forefront of many discussions since his candidacy.


The anecdotal nature of this story raises important questions about the impact of such narratives on public perception, especially when they concern high-profile figures like the President. The blend of skepticism and amusement in public reactions illustrates the complex ways the public consumes and interprets stories about political figures.

The discussion surrounding this viral tale reflects broader societal debates about age, capability, and the appropriacy of humor in political discourse. As the story spreads, it mirrors the varied American attitudes toward their leaders and the intersection of media, politics, and public opinion.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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