Graham Claims Biden Could Face Prosecution Over Riley Case

 June 24, 2024

Senator Lindsey Graham raised a provocative question on Sunday.

According to Breitbart News, Senator Graham suggested that President Joe Biden might face criminal prosecution for the murder of nursing student Laken Riley if the Supreme Court does not recognize presidential immunity.

Graham made these statements during an appearance on Fox News Sunday, focusing on President Biden's immigration policies and their implications. The senator's comments centered around the tragic case of Laken Riley, a nursing student whose murderer was released on parole due to capacity issues in El Paso. Graham argued that Biden's handling of immigration laws and parole has been reckless, suggesting it could lead to legal repercussions for the president.

Graham Criticizes Biden's Immigration Policies

Graham did not hold back in his critique of Biden's management of the U.S. border and immigration laws. He emphasized that Biden has used a parole statute to release a significant number of individuals, far exceeding the numbers seen during the Trump and Obama administrations. According to Graham, this misuse of the parole system has resulted in dangerous individuals, like Riley's murderer, being released.

The senator highlighted that under Biden's administration, over a million people have been given parole, whereas previous administrations averaged around 5,600. This stark difference, Graham argued, underscores a lack of control and recklessness in law enforcement under Biden.

Potential Legal Consequences For Biden

Graham suggested that the Supreme Court's position on presidential immunity could be crucial in determining Biden's legal fate. Graham believes Biden could be subject to both lawsuits and criminal prosecution if the court does not uphold presidential immunity. He stressed that Biden's decisions have not only been legally questionable but have also had severe, real-world impacts.

In making his case, Graham linked broader issues of border security and law enforcement to the tragic outcomes faced by individuals like Laken Riley. He argued:

 On and on and on, all these women who have been raped and murdered have one thing in common, the people that killed them, raped them and murdered them were in our custody and let go, I think illegally. So Joe Biden better hope and pray there’s presidential immunity because when he allowed the killer of Laken Riley to be released on parole because of lack of capacity, I think he’s subject not only to a lawsuit but criminal prosecution if there’s not presidential immunity.

Broader Implications Of Biden's Policies

Graham's comments also touched on global conflicts, including wars in Ukraine and the Mideast. He used these examples to illustrate what he sees as a recklessness and mismanagement pattern in Biden's governance approach. By highlighting these broader issues, Graham aimed to paint a comprehensive picture of what he considers to be the administration's failures.

The senator's criticisms were not limited to domestic policy but also extended to international affairs. He suggested that the chaos at the border and the release of dangerous individuals were part of a larger narrative of inadequate leadership. This broader context served to bolster his argument that Biden's policies are not just flawed but dangerous.

Graham Warns Of Legal And Political Fallout

Graham's warning about potential legal consequences for Biden was clear. He argued that the president's decisions regarding immigration and parole could expose him to significant legal risks. According to Graham, the case of Laken Riley is a stark example of the potential fallout from these policies.

The senator's comments were intended to highlight the gravity of the situation and to warn of the possible repercussions. By connecting Biden's actions to specific, tragic outcomes, Graham sought to make a compelling case for why these policies need to be scrutinized and potentially challenged in court.


Senator Lindsey Graham's remarks on Fox News Sunday have sparked a significant discussion about President Joe Biden's handling of immigration laws and the potential legal consequences. By focusing on the tragic case of Laken Riley, Graham highlighted what he sees as the dangers of the current administration's policies.

He argued that Biden's use of the parole system has been reckless and could lead to serious legal repercussions. The Supreme Court's stance on presidential immunity will be crucial in determining whether Biden faces these consequences.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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