Watchdog: DOJ Concealed Information During Hunter Biden Probe

 June 21, 2024

The Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project is now seeking documents to determine whether the DOJ withheld information during the Hunter Biden investigation.

The group has filed suit for the DOJ to produce records regarding the investigation and the use of a 1910 law regarding "prostitution or debauchery."

Talking Points…
- Hunter Biden charges
- Watchdog files suit
- Analysis

The Hunter Biden Investigation and Charges

As most of you know, Hunter Biden almost got away scot-free on these charges. It was only when his attorneys got greedy and asked for amnesty for charges that were not yet brought that the presiding judge called foul and ordered his plea deal to be redone. Hunter's attorneys postured, and the result is that Hunter has already been convicted on gun charges and faces a tax case later this summer.

The one thing that was not addressed, however, was the obvious use of prostitutes and escorts by Hunter Biden. This goes beyond that, however, as there were also questions about human trafficking, as Hunter Biden is believed to have paid women to cross state borders.

The Project's inquiry is directly related to those activities, seeking information as to whether the DOJ investigated Hunter Biden via the 1910 Mann Act and whether the DOJ covered up the information, which seems apparent, since Hunter Biden was not charged with any crimes related to the Mann Act.

For those unfamiliar with the law, the Mann Act was previously called the White-Slave Traffic Act of 1910. It makes it a felony to engage in the transport of "any woman or girl for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose." Based on texts and money wires from Hunter Biden, it was pretty clear that this was taking place regularly. This is the same law used in the prosecution of R. Kelly and Ghislaine Maxwell.

Watchdog Group Files Suit

The Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project filed its petition earlier this month. It believes the DOJ did investigate Hunter Biden regarding activity that would have violated the Mann Act, but it also believes the DOJ did not act on the information it found. Some of this was covered during the testimony of IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler.

Ziegler noted that the DOJ had been specifically looking at the activity of a "West Coast assistant" for Hutner Biden that "we knew … to also be in the prostitution world or believed to be in the prostitution world – and he deducted expenses related to her." There were also questions about Hunter Biden flying women to "wherever he was" at the time. Ziegler was under the impression that the DOJ was stacking evidence to charge Biden via the Mann Act from its compiled information.

Oversight Project attorney Kyle Brosnan explained:

"If you sort of peel back the layers of the onion, it's absurd, because there is an overwhelming amount of information that already shows these records exist. [They're] found on the Hunter Biden laptop, which was entered into evidence in his criminal case in Delaware."

This is something Republicans have also inquired about, but the Department of Justice has given them the runaround. For instance, back in September of 2023, Reps. James Comer (R-KY) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) penned a letter to the DOJ regarding crimes under the Mann Act, stating:

"These women may be victims under the Crime Victims' Rights Act and may also be afforded mandatory restitution pursuant to the Mandatory Victim Restitution Act."

The DOJ responded with what is known as a "Glomar Response," which Brosnan called "completely inappropriate," adding that this proves the DOJ "pulled punches" when it came to the Hunter Biden investigation. Mike Howell, the Executive Director of the Project, added:

"This is another criminal offense that Hunter has not been charged for – one that we are forcing the Department of Justice to admit that they are tracking as well as refusing to prosecute."


It would be devastating for Biden if this all came to light down the stretch of the election. Biden has always painted himself as a good Catholic and family man, but the fact of the matter is that he was enabling this behavior by Hunter Biden. If memory serves, there were even times that Joe Biden had sent Hunter money, which in turn was used for escorts and prostitutes. I can tell you right now, if I were Donald Trump, that is what I would be hitting Biden with during the debate when Biden brings up Trump's legal issues.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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