DOJ Seeks to Block Steve Bannon's Bid to Delay Prison Sentence

 June 19, 2024

The Department of Justice has taken a firm stand against Steve Bannon’s attempt to delay his prison sentence.

Breitbart News reported that the DOJ is requesting an appeals court to deny Bannon's emergency motion, arguing he has not met the legal standards required for such an exception.

On June 6, a federal judge ordered Steve Bannon to begin serving a four-month prison sentence for contempt of Congress. Bannon, convicted in 2022 for defying a subpoena from the January 6 Select Committee, has requested an emergency motion to delay his imprisonment while appealing his conviction. The DOJ is opposing this motion, arguing that Bannon has not shown a substantial question that could lead to a reversal or a new trial.

DOJ Challenges Bannon’s Emergency Motion

The Department of Justice contends that Bannon's motion does not meet the criteria for delaying his sentence. According to the DOJ, Bannon has failed to present a compelling argument that would warrant an exception to the general rule of detention following conviction. They emphasized that release pending appeal is an extraordinary measure and should not be granted lightly.

“Because Bannon cannot justify what would be an extraordinary exception to the general rule of detention following conviction and an unsuccessful appeal, his motion should be denied,” the DOJ stated. This statement underscores the department's position that Bannon should not be granted special treatment.

Background and Legal Proceedings

Steve Bannon, who previously served as the executive chairman for Breitbart News and CEO of Trump's campaign, was a chief strategist in the Trump administration before leaving in August 2017. In 2022, a jury convicted Bannon of contempt of Congress for failing to comply with a subpoena from the committee investigating the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot. Following his conviction, Bannon was sentenced to four months in prison, but his sentence was put on hold pending his appeal.

In May, an appeals court upheld Bannon’s conviction, which led to the recent developments in his legal battle. Bannon’s emergency motion seeks to delay his prison sentence while the final resolution of his appeal is pending. However, the DOJ maintains that Bannon has not met the legal standards required to justify such a delay.

Equal Justice and Legal Standards

The DOJ has argued that granting Bannon’s motion would undermine the principle of equal justice under the law. They assert that Bannon’s release would set a precedent that could be misinterpreted as favoritism or special treatment. “Even-handed application of the bail statute requires Bannon’s continued detention,” the DOJ emphasized.

The DOJ’s argument hinges on the assertion that Bannon has not presented a substantial question that is likely to result in a reversal or a new trial. Without meeting this legal standard, the DOJ argues that Bannon should remain in detention while his appeal is processed.

Bannon’s release motion should be denied...release pending appeal is the exception to the general rule that a defendant ‘shall…be detained’ following a conviction and imposition of a sentence of imprisonment.

Comparing Cases: Bannon and Navarro

Bannon’s case is not the first instance of a former Trump administration official being sentenced for contempt of Congress. In March, former Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro reported to prison for a four-month sentence after refusing to comply with a subpoena from the January 6 Select Committee. The DOJ’s handling of Navarro’s case sets a precedent that reinforces their argument against granting Bannon’s emergency motion.

The DOJ’s position is clear: Bannon has not met the legal requirements to justify his prison sentence delay. The department’s arguments focus on the importance of upholding legal standards and ensuring that justice is applied equally to all individuals, regardless of their political affiliations or past positions.


The Department of Justice has firmly opposed Steve Bannon’s emergency motion to delay his prison sentence for contempt of Congress. Bannon’s attempt to secure release pending the final resolution of his appeal has been met with strong resistance from the DOJ, which argues that he has not met the necessary legal standards. The DOJ’s position highlights the importance of equal justice and adherence to legal standards in all cases. As Bannon’s legal battle continues, the outcome will have significant implications for the principles of justice and equality under the law.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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