Video of President Biden's Dog's Aggressive Incident Destroyed by Secret Service

 June 18, 2024

Commander, President Joe Biden's dog, has been involved in multiple aggressive incidents on the White House grounds.

Daily Mail reported that the Secret Service destroyed footage of President Biden's dog, Commander, biting an agent, an incident that also led to a temporary halt of White House tours for cleanup.

President Joe Biden's German Shepherd, the Commander, has reportedly attacked individuals, including Secret Service agents, on multiple occasions. These incidents escalated to the point where safety measures and operational protocols had to be revisited within the White House.

Videos of Attack Erased Due to Policy

One such attack, which occurred on June 15, 2023, was severe enough that it necessitated medical attention for a bitten Secret Service agent and caused a brief suspension of East Wing tours.

The Secret Service destroyed video footage of this particular incident, citing standard retention policies. This action has led to public outcry and skepticism regarding transparency and protocol adherence.

Documentation and reports from FOIA requests reveal at least 25 documented biting episodes involving the Commander. Quotes from internal communications further illustrate the tense environment, with advisory notices about the Commander being off-leash and potential dangers. An agent recounted an event where "As I started to walk towards him to see if he needed help, Commander ran through his legs and bit my left arm through the front of my jacket."

Attempts Made to Manage Commander's Aggression

The severity of these attacks ranged, with some requiring medical intervention. On one occasion, blood had to be cleaned from the Booksellers area, leading to a 20-minute pause in White House tours. and Judicial Watch have pursued Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests which brought some of these incidents to light. These requests and the subsequent revelations have intensified discussions about the handling of Biden's pets and the response by the White House and Secret Service to such incidents.

The lack of enduring video evidence and the ongoing issues raised concerns over how the Secret Service handles documentation of significant incidents within the White House premises. Explaining the destruction of the video, the agency stated, "Due to Secret Service retention standards, the above-mentioned file(s) has been destroyed."

Major and Commander: A History of Presidential Pets with Troubled Behavior

Before Commander, the Bidens had another German Shepherd named Major, who was similarly relocated due to aggressive behavior. Following Major's rehoming and the passing of their other dog, Champ, Commander was introduced to the White House in December 2021.

As incidents piled up, steps were taken to address the situation. Despite initial hopes that the Commander would adjust to his role, the continued risk to staff and visitors led to his removal from the premises on October 4, 2023.

The directives given to White House staff and the Secret Service in handling the Commander were informal and based on immediate responses to his presence. In light of biting incidents, staff were advised, "In all seriousness, standing tall and yelling his name and 'stop' is your best bet to not get bit."

Reflection on Commander's Removal and Future Precedents

The removal of President Biden's dog, Commander, from the White House on October 4 has sparked discussions on the training, handling of presidential pets, and the transparency of White House security procedures. Reports on the incidents highlight ongoing concerns about safety, protocol, and public disclosure. This situation sets a precedent for future handling of presidential pets and underscores the need for clear guidelines and transparency in such matters.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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