Investigation Into Hunter Biden Intensifies Over SEC Inquiry and Vice Presidential Influence

 June 18, 2024

House Republicans are escalating their probe into Hunter Biden, scrutinizing his alleged use of his father's vice-presidential stature to impact an SEC investigation.

House leaders claim the involvement of Joe Biden as Vice President was cited to claim confidentiality during the probe.

According to Breitbart News, recent actions by the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees highlight a serious inquiry into whether Hunter Biden leveraged his father’s position to deter legal scrutiny.

Hunter’s legal team pleaded for high confidentiality with the SEC, stressing the sensitivity due to his father's, then Vice President Joe Biden, public stature.

Hunter Biden yet again faces extensive examination concerning his previous affiliations with Devon Archer, a Rosemont Seneca Bohai (RSB) partner who faced an SEC investigation linked to a tribal bond fraud. The SEC's interest in this scheme centered around March 2013, compelling them to subpoena Archer and Hunter Biden's records.

A Closer Look at the SEC’s Actions and House Committee’s Inquiries

Despite Hunter Biden’s close ties with the implicated parties, the SEC, following the completion of their investigation in May 2016, charged seven individuals but excluded Hunter from those directly implicated. Nonetheless, controversy remains as Hunter managed to avoid charges despite previous beliefs of his involvement.

Here's how Hunter’s legal counsel articulated their request to the SEC:

As a threshold matter, we request that you treat this matter with the highest degree of confidentiality, consistent with Commission policy and applicable law. The confidential nature of this investigation is very important to our client and it would be unfair, not just to our client, but also to his father, the Vice President of the United States, if his involvement in an SEC investigation and parallel criminal probe were to become the subject of any media attention.

At the heart of this heated probe are the allegations against Hunter Biden for his potentially misleading statements to Congress about his role and the extent of his financial dealings through RSB, as well as the broader implications concerning the Biden family.

Details from the House Republicans and Broader Implications

In November 2022, House Republicans unveiled transactions involving other members of the Biden family, escalating concerns over potential misuse of Joe Biden’s former vice presidential influence in more than just Hunter Biden's incident. On June 5, 2024, this led to another pivotal moment, as the House committees pressed on with criminal referrals targeting Hunter Biden for his alleged false statements to the chamber.

Chairmen James Comer and Jim Jordan, who lead the House Oversight Committee and Judiciary Committee, respectively, further emphasized their quest for transparency and accountability by reaching out to the SEC on June 18, 2024. They requested detailed insights concerning the scope and findings of the investigation connected to Hunter Biden and his business network.

RSB’s Foreign Ventures and Political Influence Under Investigation

RSB's business activities, which reportedly involved significant sums from foreign ventures possibly facilitated by Hunter Biden's international connections and his father’s political influence, are drawing increased scrutiny. This has brought forward crucial questions regarding ethical conduct and conflict of interest in political family dealings.

The investigation into this intricate web of financial and political influence highlights the challenges and responsibilities of public service, especially when personal and professional interactions intersect at the highest levels of government. The outcomes of these investigations could have far-reaching consequences for public trust and the legal standards applied to political figures and their associates.

Revisiting the spearhead of this controversy, the initial subpoicing by the SEC of both Devon Archer and Hunter Biden in March 2016 and the later developments outline a saga of political, legal, and moral complexities that epitomize the struggles within America’s corridors of power. Each progression in this ongoing investigation paints a part of a larger narrative on accountability and the potential misuse of power.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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