Democrat Leaders Consider Replacing Biden For 2024

 June 18, 2024

A supposed secret Democrat plot involving Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer aims to replace President Joe Biden in the 2024 race.

According to Daily Mail, speculation is mounting over President Joe Biden's ability to seek re-election in 2024. Concerns about his age and recent public performances are prompting discussions among Democratic Party leaders about potentially replacing him as their candidate.

Former President Barack Obama's public guidance of Biden off the stage at a Los Angeles fundraiser has further fueled speculation. Biden’s momentary pause at the Juneteenth celebration, where Philonise Floyd had to assist him, was another incident that raised eyebrows.

Despite White House spokesperson Andrew Bates denying that Biden froze in the viral video, the president’s approval rating has hit a new low of 37.4 percent.

Concerns About Age and Leadership Ability

Nate Silver, a respected political analyst, has pointed out that Biden's age is becoming a significant concern for voters and party insiders alike. Atlantic columnist Mark Leibovich's reference to Biden as "Ruth Bader Biden" underscores the growing unease about his capacity to serve another term. Political strategist James Carville has been vocal, stating that Biden should not have pursued re-election in the first place.

Biden's supporters have scheduled an early presidential debate on June 27 on CNN, which some, like political consultant Mark Penn, view as Biden's last opportunity to reassure the electorate. Should Biden falter during this debate or if his polling numbers continue to decline, there is a possibility Democratic leaders might come together to urge him to step down.

Potential Replacement Scenarios Discussed

Replacing a sitting president is a complex process, likened by some consultants to turning a massive container ship. Joe Klein, a political commentator, believes that a new, dynamic candidate could potentially rejuvenate the party with a strong convention speech. However, this transition would require the concerted efforts of key Democratic figures such as Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer.

Barack and Michelle Obama have maintained a noticeable distance from the Biden administration, with Barack making only a brief appearance at a late May White House state dinner. Video footage from a Democratic fundraiser showing Obama guiding Biden off stage has added to the speculation. Despite these concerns, Pelosi's spokesman reiterated her confidence in Biden's leadership.

Internal Struggles and Strategic Considerations

The Democratic Party has a plan in place for an online nomination process featuring a "virtual roll call," should it become necessary to replace Biden. Sources indicate that Vice President Kamala Harris is not being considered as the substitute nominee. This replacement process would require Democratic leaders to publicly introduce and endorse a new candidate, with Harris's support deemed essential for a seamless transition.

The stakes are high, as the replacement nominee would face significant risks, particularly the challenge of defeating Donald Trump in the November election. The internal struggle within the Democratic Party highlights the delicate balance of maintaining unity while addressing legitimate concerns about Biden's ability to lead.

Biden's Growing Resentment and Party Dynamics

Biden's growing resentment towards Obama for past political decisions adds another layer of complexity to the situation. The intentional distancing of Barack and Michelle Obama from the Biden administration has not gone unnoticed. This dynamic, coupled with the Democratic Party's internal deliberations, underscores the broader challenges facing the party as it navigates the potential replacement of its candidate.

Democratic strategist insights reveal that only a collective effort by prominent figures like Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, and Schumer could effectively push Biden to step aside. The comparison to turning a container ship highlights the difficulty and magnitude of such a move. Yet, the idea of a vigorous young candidate capturing the nation's imagination remains a tantalizing prospect for some within the party.


Speculation about President Joe Biden's ability to run for re-election in 2024 is growing, driven by concerns about his age and recent public appearances. Incidents such as his momentary pause at a Juneteenth celebration and guidance off stage by Barack Obama have intensified scrutiny. Political analysts and strategists are divided on the best course of action, with some advocating for a new candidate and others supporting Biden's re-election bid. The Democratic Party faces a complex decision, balancing the need for unity with the practical challenges of replacing a sitting president.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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