Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter Is Entering Hospice

 November 18, 2023

Rosalynn Carter's decision to enter hospice care marks a poignant moment in the Carter family's history.

Rosalynn Carter, known for her active and groundbreaking role as First Lady from 1977 to 1981, has long been a revered figure in American politics. During her husband's presidency, she redefined the role of the First Lady, becoming an influential advisor and policy advocate.

Her work extended beyond traditional ceremonial duties. Rosalynn was instrumental in expanding mental health advocacy and played a key role in promoting the Equal Rights Amendment alongside notable figures like Lady Bird Johnson and Betty Ford.

Her tenure as First Lady was marked by a pioneering approach, as she established an East Wing office and a dedicated policy staff, breaking new ground for her successors in the role.

A life of dedication and partnership

Rosalynn and Jimmy Carter's marriage spans over 75 years, a testament to their enduring partnership both in personal life and in public service, Politico reported.

Together, they have been a symbol of dedication, working tirelessly in various philanthropic endeavors, including their notable support for Habitat for Humanity.

Their joint efforts in humanitarian work earned them widespread admiration, culminating in both receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1999. This honor underscored their significant contributions to the nation and the world.

The couple's journey has been one of mutual support, with Rosalynn often cited as a close advisor to Jimmy throughout his political career, including his time as Governor of Georgia and later as President.

Rosalynn Carter's health journey

It was in May when Rosalynn Carter was diagnosed with dementia, a development that deeply affected the Carter family and their many supporters. Since then, her health has been a subject of concern for those who have admired her lifelong dedication to public service.

Her husband, former President Jimmy Carter, who is now 99, entered hospice care at home in February after a series of short hospital stays. The decision for both to be in hospice care reflects their current health status and the family's desire for them to be comfortable in their home environment.

Jason Carter, their son and former state Senator, has spoken about this challenging period for the family. He shared, "She and President Carter are spending time with each other and their family," highlighting the personal nature of this phase in their lives.

Legacy of a First Lady

Rosalynn Carter's impact as First Lady extended far beyond the walls of the White House. Her advocacy for mental health has been a cornerstone of her legacy, influencing policy and public awareness on the issue long after her tenure as First Lady.

Her role as an envoy to Latin America during Jimmy Carter's presidency demonstrated her ability to take on complex international issues, further establishing her as a formidable figure in the political landscape.

Her advocacy for the Equal Rights Amendment was part of a broader commitment to women's rights and equality, a cause she championed alongside other prominent First Ladies of her time.

Continued impact after the White House

After leaving the White House, Rosalynn Carter continued to be an active voice in mental health advocacy. Her post-presidential years were marked by a sustained commitment to public service, particularly in areas related to mental health and human rights.

The Carters' involvement with Habitat for Humanity is another highlight of their post-presidential years. Their hands-on approach to this cause brought attention to the importance of affordable housing and community building.

This period of their lives further cemented their status as a couple dedicated to serving others, a trait that has defined their public and private lives for decades.

The Carter family's enduring bond

The Carter family's bond has been a source of strength and inspiration throughout these challenging times. The decision for both Rosalynn and Jimmy to be in hospice care at home is a reflection of their close-knit family unit and their preference for privacy and comfort in these moments.

Their family, including their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, has been a cornerstone of their lives, providing support and companionship throughout their public and private endeavors.

This period is not only a testament to their enduring love and partnership but also a poignant reminder of the inevitable passage of time and the impact of age and health on even the most public figures.

  • Rosalynn Carter, aged 96, has entered hospice care at home, joining her husband, former President Jimmy Carter.
  • She has been a pioneering figure in American politics, redefining the role of First Lady and advocating for mental health and women's rights.
  • The Carters' over 75-year marriage and their shared dedication to public service have made them a symbol of enduring partnership and commitment.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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